The sims 3 kinky world school download
The sims 3 kinky world school download

The only mods I'm using at the moment (though I have many I use) are the (tried-and-true) NRAAS mods. I did a clean folder and methodically installed all of my store content just prior to your contest announcement. I've taken into consideration the content you own. There will be absolutely no CC other than from the store. Regardless - If I can't make the deadline, I still plan on posting here when I have the lot done, tested and uploaded. seriously, I am working 12-14 hour days, including Saturdays since last weekend. Hopefully I can find the time to finish the lot I'm working on - with my crazy long work hours/schedule. I was wondering what happened with the contest and then looked at the main page again and it looks like the submission date changed to March 8? That's great! But how does one find out about these sorts of changes without randomly deciding to look at the main page? That's probably a stupid question I'll regret asking.

The sims 3 kinky world school download